Wing of a Hawk

This song is the first of two Art Songs I wrote for Two Guitars and Soprano Voice. I wrote this song in March of 2024. The words are from Laraine Kentridge Lasdon’s poem of the same name. It tells her story of being at Lake Superior and at Hawk Ridge Observatory Hill, and the music attempts to capture that essence. This was performed Saturday May 4th, 2024 by me, and the absolutely amazing musicians who helped me. They are my best friend Alex Lew, and another dear friend, Juli Orlandini.

The Age of Humans

This song is the second of two Art Songs I wrote for Two Guitars and Soprano Voice. I wrote this song in December of 2023 I think (I know, before Wing of a Hawk). The words are from Laraine Kentridge Lasdon’s poem of the same name. It describes some of her experiences while at Lake Superior, and how she was feeling at this moment. She ponders humans role in earth and nature, and the evolution the earth has gone through over time. The music, attempts to capture that essence. This was performed Saturday, May 4th by me, and the absolutely amazing musicians who helped me. They are my best friend Alex Lew, and another dear friend, Juli Orlandini.

Dragoș Slays the Dragon

I wrote this piece for Dragoș in June of 2023. He’s one of the greatest guitarists I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, so I wanted to be able to write him a fun and challenging piece! Obviously, his name is very close to dragon. And the way the piece sounds, it makes me think of a quest like the Ancient Greek heroes would do. They would take a long journey full of dangers and beautiful sights along the way, and first movement of this piece captures that fictional journey that Dragoș takes to slay this dragon. Then the second movement is the actual battle between the two, and after a long and very epic back and forth battle, you finally hear the dragons last heart beats at the end before he’s slain. This concert was in Austin, Texas on April 18th 2024.

Serenade, I Miss You

This is my favorite piece I’ve written to date. I wrote this for a film my dear friend Nicholas Hurt made that shares the same name as this piece. The clip below is from the film, and it includes Nick’s playing of the piece as well as an interview with me that explains what the piece is about to me.

Gary, Indiana

This piece is 1 of 4 from a collection who’s theme is “Home.” Gary, Indiana is the place I have the most memories from my early childhood. I lived there from ages 4 through 9 with my mother and my brother. That experience had a profound effect on me. Writing a piece about Gary was a way to honor the experience I had as a child because I find myself missing it sometimes. In the piece, Gary, Indiana, I intended to create images of the cold, snow, and Christmas because that’s how I remember it best.

Coming Out Party

I wrote this piece for all time great, and award winning guitarist Jorge Caballero between January and April 2022. I tried tp capture the feeliing one has when they have a big accomplishment in their field. I also think the piece does a good job of depicting a literal celebration.

Winter to Spring

Featured on the Austin Classical Guitar’s YouTube channel. Commissioned in 2021.

I wrote this piece "Winter to Spring" during the ice storm here in Texas. I remember walking my dog during the storm, and the harmonies at the beginning really captured how I felt in that icy environment. The ending is spring finally arriving.

Till Death do us Part

This is a piece I wrote for two close friends of mines wedding. Its simple, as I intended for it to be, but it’s suppose to represent the ever lasting love of marriage.

Soni Time!

This piece is written for my closest friend Alex Lew. He's an impeccable guitar player getting his Masters at Yale, and I wrote this piece because I wanted to write something special for him to play. The name refers to Alex's dog Sonata, nicknamed Soni, who's a pretty shy and reclusive dog, but when the sun goes down she gets a burst of energy and when that happens, Alex calls it Soni Time!"

Six Feet Together

I wrote this piece scored for guitar ensemble and orchestra for my alma mater, Lively Middle School. Being able to write a piece for the school I started my musical journey at was one of the biggest honors I’ve had, and the dancers really made this whole thing that much more amazing. I’m very thankful for this.

Frédéric Chopin Preludes #2 and #12 arranged for 3 Guitars

I arranged these prelude in 2019 to be played by two close friends who are outstanding guitarists, and I. This is a performance of us at the ACG Guitars Under the Stars Gala in 2020.

Under the Stars

This is one of the first pieces I wrote that I actually liked enough to have performed. My music doesn’t sound like this anymore, but it’s cool to look back on this.